Speaking of extraordinary…

Just so you know, if you knock on my door and then start screaming all meth-addict-like about how you need a few bucks to paint neon numbers on my sidewalk? You’re not going to get a couple bucks. AND, when you start getting all stink-eyed and suddenly you’re yelling about how neon numbers will help me “find the bad guys” and “I’ve painted half a million white numbers and half a million black numbers and now I’M PAINTING NEON GREEN NUMBERS FOR JUST A COUPLE BUCKS!” I’m still not going to give you a couple bucks. I’m STILL NOT, damnit!

And another thing. If you came by here a few minutes ago and saw that I was going to give away an owl cozy if you commented on this post, please know that the offer is no longer valid, because it’s actually illegal for me to do such a thing! Although there isn’t a giveaway associated with the post, please feel free to stop by and tell me why your family is extraordinary. If nothing else, it will make you feel warm and fuzzy.

I just spent over an hour trying to figure out if I prefer the Samsung Flight or the Pantech Ease. I finally asked the kind saleswoman to choose for me, and she told me that she didn’t have either in stock, but she’ll hold one of each for me when they arrive this weekend. So now I’m researching. And I’m bored. Does anyone out there know the price of potatoes? (Obviously, that question is code for: Flight or Ease? Anyone?)

I typed this post in five minutes. And you can totally tell.
You are cordially invited to admire my senior photo from high school and take a chance at winning $150!

Please read about my extraordinary family, and follow the links to win all sorts of prizes! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

10 thoughts on “Speaking of extraordinary…”

  1. I was all excited about the Owl koozie, but no luck. I have a little dude (almost two), who is totally obsessed with Owls…to the point that we’re taking him to the wild bird sanctuary to check them out in person. He even has a build-a-bear owl. Always love your writing (& knitting)..and reading about your extraordinary family!

  2. whoa – uh, huh? met more than my share of meth addicts in my life but none ever offered to paint numbers on my sidewalk.

    They usually just say awful things about my mom after I refuse to sell them sudafed.

  3. Samsung seems like a more reliable brand…never even heard of Pantech. Of course, I live in the South, so sometimes we don’t roll the way everyone else does.

    But hey, bet you don’t eat Moon Pies and drink RCs on the front porch at the end of summer, either. :)

  4. Is it a copyrighted pattern? If you can’t share the pattern then can you share the source, so that others could purchase said pattern?
    There was a scam one time in my home town where someone was offering to paint your house number on your roof so that the rescue helicopters could find it. Of course, there were no rescue helicopters in our town, or near our town, at that time. That was before KAtrina – and now I think maybe it wasn’t such a crazy idea after all.

  5. Okay, I have the Samsung Impression and usually when I can hold and play with the phones its easier for me to choose – but that must not have helped you. So, I can say I love my Impression which also has the toolbar they mention and that I didn’t go with Pantech because I felt more comfortable with Samsung as a brand.

    Check out Cnet and see if their reviews help.

  6. I think it comes down to which keyboard you like better–are you going to hate having to turn your phone sideways, or will it not matter.

    Give me your Sudafed!

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