Happy New Year and good luck and stay warm/cool and so on! (Insert noises from buzzy horns and clackity spinny things right here!) Our New Year’s Eve was low key and perfect with something like a dozen kids and eight adults and tons of food and golf and no pressure. It really doesn’t get much better than that.
2014 has been around for about 88 hours now, and in that time I’ve spun some yarn, started a new cardigan, worked on a scarf, saw Frozen, and took Scout to the ER for her Eye o’ Yuck.
The following words and photos will provide elaboration on Paragraph Two. If none of those things were of any interest to you, go straight over here and know that although I carry a lot of baggage, nothing compares to the baggage of Isaac Newton. (He stole cherry cobs from Eduard Storer and then beat ARTHUR Storer! I would pay $4 for more information.)
This is Cormo and it’s been on my wheel since July and that is UNACCEPTABLE, because Cormo really is fun to spin.
The first two ounces were chain-plied on July 19th. I will eventually have handspun rainbow socks.
This is the cardigan I started a few days ago.
It will eventually be my second February Lady Sweater. The yarn color is Violets in the Grass, but because there are no rules, I’ve renamed it Frogs in a Blender. I’m hoping my February Frogs in a Blender Sweater will be finished sometime in February, because: FEBRUARY Lady Sweater.
By the way, if you’ve been wanting to figure out this whole knitting thing, Very Pink’s scarf tutorial is free until January 9th. Staci is a GREAT teacher and her videos are my favorite knitting videos. (2014 is The Year of Knitting a Scarf, by the way. I just made that up, but doesn’t it sound good? So much better than The Year of Unfiltered Camels…)
The thing about knitting is that if you’re anything like me, every time you finish something you’ll say to yourself, “This is my favorite thing.” The scarf I’m getting ready to finish is My Favorite Scarf.
And it’s sort of funny, because just a few weeks ago I finished My Favorite Scarf. (It’s one of the very few things I’ve made from my handspun. I’m still scared of knitting with my handspun, because I lack confidence when it comes to spinning. I’m working on it.)
Okay. I’m not normally one to gush about Disney princess movies, but: Frozen. Go see it. We met up with some friends to see it, and although I was VERY nervous that I would sleep through the whole thing, I didn’t doze once. (I was sitting on a lounge chair and eating fries, and that’s a recipe for disaster in a dark comfy room.)
Okay. Scout. Three days ago she looked like she was wincing, and it broke my heart. She was wincing even more two days ago, and at 10:30ish at night, I had a hard time waking her up, so OFF TO THE VET CLINIC WE GO! As soon as we got there, she perked right up and befriended everyone which sort of made my whole Lethargy claim seem silly, but still: No scratched cornea. Nothing stuck behind the eyelid. All vitals were normal. Diagnosis? Conjunctivitis. This morning her eye looked really cloudy, so we took her in to see her regular vet. Her cornea IS scratched, and the vet did a debridement and an atropine application and we now have antibiotic drops and the next 24-48 hours are crucial. If the injury starts to look deeper or if she starts holding her eye closed, we have to go straight to the emergency vet clinic. We’re expecting 10 inches of snow in the next 24 hours. I can’t even begin to tell you how crazy stressed I am about this.
Actually, I can. I’m so stressed that I’m about to go to the J and walk on a treadmill for the first time in nine months to try to get my head around the possibility of the extracting and spinning of blood or anesthetization and too much snow to drive and blergh. Please take a few minutes to stick your head outside this evening and blow a stream of air away from St. Louis. We are powerful. We can prevent this snow from being a factor. We are butterflies.
I’ll keep you updated. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>
Waving my little wings!! Our weather will be awful no matter what and our governor already cancelled school for Monday so I gladly wish you and Scout the good weather and hope you won’t need it!
What is pattern for the hand spun?? Love, love!
I am knitting a sweater for my new baby niece-fighting some sort of weather related headache- and snuggled up by our new fireplace!
Finally, will you be my tutor for a February Lady someday? I have the yarn, but lack bravery…….
OH NO. Get well soon, Scout! Go away soon, snow! BOTH of those scarves are my favorite. And I can’t wait to see how Frogs in a Blender comes out.
Love the scarf!
Oh definitely, blowing good karma your way! (Though not technological karma, as I try for the fourth time to enter this comment, which seems to be cursed–me, not your blog at all.) And if you want to send that gorgeous rainbow yarn back my way, well, feel free! I covet it madly.
First: Fluffy puppy paws: I am on my knees over here.
Second: You do beautiful work.
Third: I am preparing for the storm by cooking like a mad woman. Because, you know, It’s gonna snow ALL DAY and WE WILL NEED FOOD. I blame menopause.
first off: get better soon Scout!
second: your hand-spun is fabulous! I finished my first sock and casting on my second. they are my FAVORITE. and they will STAY my favorite even when I knit other socks, because the yarn was yours.
Third: I have had the February Lady sweater on my todo list for 2 years now….
Your yarn is lovely! Frogs in a blender! (Friend Rachel used to dye a small series of “in a blender” yarns & I thought it was hilarious.)
Your Rayures is looking fabulous – I love mine so much, it’s the perfect scarf for (a) easy knitting and (b) super cold weather.
Poor Scout! Hope she continues to get better.
Tell ya what: you stick your head out the window and blow that snow up my way, in WI. We already have so much that another 10″ won’t make a difference.
You make me want to learn to knit. Please give Scouty Scout a gentle pat from me.
I think you’re the best knitter in the world! I prefer “Violets in the Grass” to “Frogs in a Blender”. Either way, it reminds me of warmer weather and springtime.
This snow is one we will soon not forget. Enjoy your extra days.
I’m so happy Scout is doing better!
All of what everybody else said!
Oh so much stress and over things we can’t control but that doesn’t make it less stressful. I hope all is well over there!
Aww poor Scout I hope she will be doing better soon.
You make me wish I knit.
And Frozen was pretty great. I took my five year old daughter to see it. She can’t stop talking about it. :)
If I ever bust outta the snow, I’m getting knitting supplies and will try the scarf. I love the rainbow you’re currently spinning -my youngest has a thing for rainbows because then you don’t have to choose one color.