In No Particular Order

Cover illustration by Ralph Steadman!

I nearly purchased this book after judging it by its cover. (SUPERFUN!)
((I do love Isa Chandra Moskowitz.))

Did you just say that today is Fritter Friday?
Ok, then.
Never mind.
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6 thoughts on “In No Particular Order”

  1. Hello Angela, would you have any book recommendations for teen girls? What are your girls reading? I have a 12 years old and she loves to read in English but I have no clue what is good and popular. Thank you and keep writing, I love your posts.

  2. We’ve been planning a road trip to Omaha for about 2 years now, to go to Isa Chandra’s vegan restaurant up there. Someday..

  3. Cruel! CRUEL you are to post that fritter picture when I am still in recovery from Thanksgiving over-indulgences. Shame on you!!

    So, tell us about the Superfun vegan cookbook; did you leaf through it? Look promising as a gift for the rabidly vegan kid’s family??

    OK,l fine — I’ll Google the reviews. Thanks for the (possible) tip!

  4. Oh man, just popping in to say DAMMIT for not getting an apple fritter when I had the opportunity yesterday. Dammit. Dammit.

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