Appius and Virginia and The Stealing of Thunder

Today was a bit tiresome for a number of reasons. BUT, beneath the dreck was a delicious lunch with friends. AND, this evening I’m taking time to figure out how to draw an amiable stack of pancakes and some jaunty jelly.

A few days back, my friend Summer asked the following:

“If you could pick any word or phrase to describe ‘life, as you know it currently’ and/or what you want or need in the coming year, what would the word or phrase be?”

I didn’t answer the question at the time, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I believe I want 2012 to be cool, tall, vulnerable, and luscious. How about you? ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

4 thoughts on “Appius and Virginia and The Stealing of Thunder”

  1. I live about 30 minutes from cool, tall vulnerable and luscious. You could visit! I could take you!

  2. Cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious was my nickname in high school (no it wasn’t. Unfortunately.).

    My daughter used to call those fuzzy dice you see hanging from rear view mirrors “Fuzzy Paradise”. My husband and I would laugh about it and say that was an exact description of our life at the time with two small children. It still fits.

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